Chitose-Ya is the one of good wild eel restaurants in Japan. There is not large, no-parking, not official site, but it has been getting abroad among some Japanese gourmets. The Author of manga'Oishinbo'(a Japanese popular manga about grourmet)had visited there.
There is so particular not only eel but also other materials(charcaol,soy sauce,rice). All of them are selected carefully in Japan.
The Soy sauce is 「宮島醤油」(Miyabe syohyu),and the rice is かやもり農園(Kayamori Farm).
The photo is a grilled eel and rice, served in a lacquerd box for takeing out 3,060yen.
It is more volume than almost other grilled eel and rice, and its taste is lightly, so delicios and taked peculiar ell smell off.
The another dish for taking out is a grilled eel 2,100yen.
You can eat various eel dishes in the Japanese-style room.
adress 2-46 Uwamachi Yokosuka Kanagawa Japan
phone# 046-822-4459(Japan)
open 11:00-14:00 17:00-20:00
close TUE.
It is 15 min walked from Yokosuka-chuoh station at Keihinkyuko line to there.
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