This restaurant is a buckwheat noodle shop which is located in the outskirts of Kaminoyama-onsen(a hot spring village). Kaminoyama-onsen was made a film by "Okuribito(Departures)".
Haraguchi Soba is a long way from the nearest JR station, so you can need a taxi or a car. There is about 15 minites by car from the station, but their dishes are worth eating if you love to eat buckwheat noodles.
the top of a photo is "もりそば(Morisoba)"650yen and "そばがき(Sobagaki)"550yen with sesame sauce. "Morisoba" is Japanese buckwheat noodles usually served on a bamboo platter. (There does not use bamboo platters.) "Sobagaki" is one of the Japanese traditional dishes which made of buckwheat flour adding boiling water. It tastes soft and differ from noodles.
「原口そば」(Haraguchi Soba)
adress 527 Haraguchi Kaminoyama Yamagata
Tel 023-674-3101(Japan)
open 11:00-19:00(Dec.-Mar.11:00-17:00)
Close TUE.

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